Sunday, July 13, 2014

Securing Food for the Community of Boma

"But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one."    
 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (ESV) 
In stark contrast to my visit three months ago, Boma is undergoing a remarkable transformation. 
Johnson, one of our original South Sudanese staffers, wanted to show me the SEA Partners' corn. 
Over a series of four updates, I intend to share these amazing changes with you so that together we can praise God for allowing us to be a part of His work in South Sudan.

Food Security One of our five strategic initiatives is to develop a a consistent food source for our students in Faith Learning Center and their families in Boma.  This past April we brought in seeds to restart the agriculture program and now food is becoming available as the villagers begin to harvest the first of their crops.
Ken, SEAP staff member, presents us with Boma corn that the local  farmers brought for our breakfast. 
SEA Partners planted 4 acres of corn, cow peas and beans to help provide food for our staff and the school children.  When this is ready for harvest we expect a yield of approximately 1500 kilos of corn which will go a long way in subsidizing our school feeding program and the needs of our staff.  It was awesome to see the restored hope of the people as they once again have crops growing in Boma. Witnessing the transformation God has allowed in Boma since March is truly amazing.    

School Feeding

Insuring daily meals for our children in school has been a priority for us.  Several of our donors provided resources which allowed resumption of our school feeding program back in May.  The program is very successful and we are now seeing up to 150 students attending school each day.  I was amazed at the amount of food these children could eat!
Their meals consist of corn, beans and sorghum and provide a healthy balance to their diet. We have been in contact with our partner, Joint Aid Management (JAM), to secure additional food for this program. We also anticipate further help from the United Nations as Henry Okumu, our African Director, continues to pursue this avenue of supplemental support.

Final Thoughts

The lack of food has been a critical concern in Boma this past year. Through your generosity and prayers we have seen a remarkable transformation in this regard over the past three months. Our school children are receiving daily meals and soon SEA Partners will begin harvesting its own food.
Children from Faith Learning Center.
Thank you for all your kindness toward the children at Faith Learning Center and the people living and working in Boma. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to serving God with you through this project.

Donnie Brake 

PS. As we continue to provide food to our students and the local people in Boma, please prayerfully consider a gift to help us continue the work God has called us to in South Sudan.

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