Wednesday, April 30, 2014

School Feeding Program 2014

"And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward." Matthew 10:42 (ESV)

Mothers cooking food for the school children in 2012. 
After much prayer and consideration, the staff and Board of Directors of SEA Partners has decided to immediately implement a school feeding program. In the past, we have always partnered with the United Nations World Food Programme, but due to the current suffering in Boma, we feel God has directed us to use our current resources and begin the program immediately. If God would lead you to participate with us in this regard, an online gift would truly be appreciated.
It remains our plan to seek help from WFP, but that could take a few months to be approved.  Henry Okumu will make a quick trip to Boma this week to deliver food and cooking utensils as well as obtain the WFP required document signatures from local officials.  Upon completion of this trip, Henry will travel to Juba to meet with WFP authorities and begin the process of securing long-term support for our school feeding program.
Please pray for God's favor on Henry this week as he travels to Boma and Juba.
School Feeding Program
FLC students eating lunch in March 2012. With God's help, we intend to restart this program this week. 
Up to this past Friday, thirty children have dropped out of school due to the famine in Boma. God has burdened us to immediately begin relief efforts during this time of extreme hardship facing the families God has given us to serve. The amount of food Henry can take to Boma this week will last our school children about 2 weeks. So, it is our intent to charter a large Caravan plane with AIM Air to transport 3 months worth of food to Boma on May 12. We trust this will allow us to provide food for our kids until the WFP program is implemented. The cost to purchase enough food to fill the Caravan and deliver it from Nairobi to Upper Boma is $15,000. 
Join with us  in proving food for the hungry children in Boma. 

The situation in Boma is desperate, but we believe God will engage the hearts of His people to share in these sufferings through both prayer and donations toward this effort. Please.......prayerfully consider a gift to help us provide 3 months of food for our 150 students in Faith Learning Center. 

May God grant these children the help they need.

Donnie Brake
PS. The children in Boma are suffering from hunger and are dropping out of school.  Will you help SEA Partners to Feed the School Children?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Feeding the Hungry in Boma

                                                                                                                                             April 14, 2014

 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." Matthew 25:35

Mothers of children attending FLC  

One of the major challenges currently facing the people of Boma and all of South Sudan is the shortage of food. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been unable to deliver food to the community of Boma since the rebellion last May. They require an NGO partner on the ground to distribute the food in an organized manner and until our arrival last month, there had been no functioning NGO's in Boma for nearly a year.
With a WFP partnership as his goal, Henry Okumu is developing plans this week to return to Boma where he will secure cooperation from the local authorities in the distribution of food. Henry has been in contact with WFP and they require SEA Partners to have a signed joint agreement with the local officials in Boma as a first step in their continuation of activity there. Once his business in Boma is complete, Henry will fly to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, to meet with WFP officials and arrange food drops to Boma.
Please pray for God's favor on Henry this week as he travels to Boma and Juba.

God's Provision

From left to right: Back Row- Judisa, Henry, Front row-Kaka, Shania, Halima, and Bakhita 
The story last week of Bahkita (age 13), Judisa (age 13), Halima (age 9) and Kaka (age 10) resonated with several donors this week. We thank God that we received almost four months of support for these young ladies. It is a blessing to see God's people step up to help those in need.

Left to right: Halima, Bakhita, Kaka, and Judisa. Shania is in the front row

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Your generosity is having an eternal effect on the lives of people in Africa and I am grateful for your partnership.

Onward for Christ,

Donnie Brake
PS. We do appreciate your continued prayers on our behalf; "Pray without ceasing".           1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


FLC students thank donors for supporting their education

The re-opening of Faith Learning Center has caused great rejoicing among the children of Boma. Once again life has returned to the school; children joyfully play, and participate in both in- and out-door learning activities. In the past fortnight, the school enrollment has dramatically grown from 28 on the first day to 120 last Friday.

Vincent reports from Boma that the local chiefs  made a visit to SEA Partners' facilities and met with the staff to, on the community’s behalf and on their own behalf, convey their sincere gratitude to the donors for the impact they are helping make possible toward the restoration of their lives from the damages caused by recent violent conflicts in their country
Chiefs paid a visit to express their gratitude to donors
Fencing work is going on to restore the staff compound and land preparation for this season’s planting is also in progress.

After ten months of closure, Faith Learning Center re-opened on March 17, 2014 becoming the first and the only school to do so in the whole of Boma. In early May 2013 the Yau Yau Rebellion made the situation in Boma so insecure that SEA Partners, like all other NGOs, had to temporarily cease operations. Every member of the Boma community, who has survived the hardships of the past ten months, are seeing the restoration process begin. Our partners are making this possible and we are literally filled with a deep sense of gratitude that is too difficult to accurately express in words.
Clearing and fencing in progress

 I ,also, must thank you for extending your love and generosity toward the Boma community in their hour of need, and may God exceedingly bless you all in every aspect of your lives even as you continue to serve Him.

African Director,
SEA Partners.