Boma Children in Kenya
The week before last week, the Nuers started fighting in the
area of Maruo. Lile was affected by this wave of violence and fled becoming
part of the many South Sudanese refugees who started streaming into Kenya
through Nadapal then. He contacted me to help rescue his life.
I advised him to find a way he could use the money I had sent
him for school fees to travel from Kapoeta to Nadapal and surrender himself to
the UNHCR. After reaching Kakuma refugee
camp, he informed me that the girls, who were now 4 in number, were very hungry
and sick.
On January 30 Ken and I hurriedly left Nairobi to minister
to their urgent need. It took us longer than we had imagined to relocate them
from the refugee camp to Kitale and Mumias and to ensure they were put in safe
custody. We have just completed the task today. Ken is travelling to his rural
home today; while I will be travelling to Nairobi tomorrow in order for both of
us to team up with Vincent for putting final touches on the plans we already made for our return trip to Boma.
Lile is now enrolled at Mumias Academy, a boarding school.
The girls are under the care of very capable foster parents: my daughter and
her husband. My son-in-law is a deputy principal of a high school, and my
daughter is an experienced teacher and excellent mother.
Overall, we have spent USD 2,977 for the whole operation of relocating and settling them in school and lodging, as well as giving them the medical care they so badly needed.
We thank God for allowing us the opportunity to rescue these children and to give them hope for the future.
Henry Okumu
African Director
Overall, we have spent USD 2,977 for the whole operation of relocating and settling them in school and lodging, as well as giving them the medical care they so badly needed.
We thank God for allowing us the opportunity to rescue these children and to give them hope for the future.
Henry Okumu
African Director
**The monthly budget for the upkeep of the 4 girls including
their educational requirements is USD
300; while Lile’s budget will be USD
200 per term or about $ 70 monthly. Please consider a gift to continue provide hope for these five children.
Thanks and God bless you.